Whether you can modify your Oregon spousal support depends on the purpose of the original spousal support. For example, if the purpose of support was to allow you to obtain a college degree over six years and you obtain that degree in four years instead, your ex-spouse could request a reduction of support to take into consideration the change of circumstances. To qualify as a change of circumstances, the event must be both unanticipated and substantial.
In our experience, the four most common reasons for a court to grant a modification of spousal support are:
(1) A change in either party’s income or earning capacity.
(2) A change in either party’s standard of living (which may include a remarriage).
(3) A change in either party’s health (which may also impact income).
(4) A change in a child’s needs (which may also impact a parent’s income).
Contact our office today to set up an appointment to discuss whether a modification of spousal support is appropriate in your case!