This “hallmark movie” time of year can be difficult for all of us but particularly if you are recently separated, divorced or in the throes of either, being inundated with television commercials and movies of happy couples getting engaged and families sharing meals, opening gifts and laughing can create pressure on us
Parenting Time and COVID-19
In the midst of “shelter at home” orders and limited financial resources, divorced and separated parents are wondering what to do in terms of their parenting plans. Do we follow the Regular Schedule or the Summer Schedule? We now have guidance from the Oregon Statewide Family Law Advisory Committee, which is a
Alternative Dispute Resolution Options During COVID-19
Since March and until at least June 1st, Oregon courts statewide will be working only in a limited capacity. Only specific types of matters deemed “essential” will be heard, either in person or remotely. What does this mean for your family law matter? Jill Brittle spoke to KGW News Reporter Morgan Romero
Support and COVID-19
In the midst of unprecedented layoffs and unemployment claims due to the COVID-19 pandemic, clients may wonder if their support obligations owed (or support they are ordered to receive) will continue at their current levels. Until changed by the court, all child and spousal support payments should continue as normal. If you
It’s still possible to resolve your domestic relations disputes during COVID
This is such a confusing and difficult time for our whole community. Particularly those in a relationship that didn’t work well before COVID and is working less well now that couples are ordered to stay at home together. You may have been considering a separation or divorce and think that your unhappy
Parenting Plans – Tips for Reducing Conflict with Detailed Plans (and Senate Bill 356)
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What is the CARES Act and how does it affect Oregon families?
Senior Associate Attorney Heidi Sherman and tax attorney Jonathan Mishkin discuss the CARES Act (Corona-virus Aid Relief & Economic Security Act) and how it impacts Oregon families. CARES was signed March 27, 2020 with the intent of providing emergency assistance for individuals, families, and businesses impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The Federal
Spousal Support Payments in Oregon
On January 1, 2019, the federal tax code changed the treatment of spousal support/alimony. Senior Associate Attorney Heidi Sherman and tax attorney Jonathan Mishkin discuss how the change impacts the taxes of the person paying support, as well as the person receiving support. At that time President Trump signed into law the
Claiming the children as dependents in an Oregon divorce
The question often arises, “who gets to claim the children on the tax return?” Senior Associate Attorney Heidi Sherman and tax attorney Jonathan Mishkin discuss how the Tax Cuts & Job Act impacted the “dependency exemption.” Now, rather than an exemption, tax filers have the option to claim certain “credits.” Watch the
Tax Considerations for an Oregon Divorce
There are a number of financial topics you might think about when you are either considering, planning, or going through a separation or divorce. For example, how will my future tax returns be filed and affected by a divorce? Can I still itemize my deductions? Will I pay taxes on what property